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A member registered Jul 19, 2017

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Thank you so much for the quick response. I really appreciate it.

I hope to join you in a Game Jam one day.


Hey Bedstuck!

First off I must say, I absolutely loved the game. For such a short amount of time to make it, it is nothing short of brilliant. I would love to make similar games myself but... I have no idea where to start. So I thought I might ask you a few questions. (Sorry).

I would like to know which engine/program you used to create the game in first of all. The game is really impressive, and I am kind of stuck for deciding what to use.

Second of all, did you teach yourself how to create games? I would love to learn from home how  to create games , and I was hoping if you did in fact learn from home if I could ask where you learnt from?

Thank you so much.

And again, you did an amazing job on this game, you should be really happy with the result.